Jex Capital Allowances

A leading independent Capital Allowance Consultant 

Contact details 

Jonathan Jex 
0845 345 4964

Jex Capital Allowances

The team at Jex Capital Allowances (JexCA) have utilised their care sector expertise to develop a range of services that property owners within the care sector can draw upon to maximise their tax advantage during their period of care home property ownership.

The Capital Allowances services provided by JexCA include:

  • Care Home Acquisition - Maximising your tax position during Property or Company Share Purchase to obtain benefit of tax relief during your ownership through Capital Allowances.
  • Care Home Sale - Positioning your sale to ensure maximum tax advantages for the benefit of the Buyer and Seller under the new Capital Allowance rules.
  • Care Home Construction, Extensions and Refurbishment - Analysis of Capital Expenditure to maximise tax savings, together with identification of Revenue Expenditure and Enhanced Capital Allowances aligned to year end expenditure.

Why use Jex Capital Allowances?

The experienced and multi-qualified team provides impartial practical advice and assistance to suit your own circumstances during your sale, acquisition, construction, extension or refurbishment of your Care Home with the end goal to maximise potential tax savings inherent to your property related capital expenditure.

Jex CA provide professional Capital Allowance advice at all stages of property transactions and work closely with your Legal and Accountancy consultants to provide independent expert advice at the right stages of the process.

JexCA Limited are registered and regulated by The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Registration Number 052431)  

Contact us

Jex CA are offering care home operators a free review of capital expenditure incurred on property. This could unlock tax relief you didn't think you had!"

For more information or to discuss how you can maximise your tax savings through the use of Capital Allowances please contact Jonathan Jex on 0845 345 4964  or email

Contact Jex CA

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