Care Home Dependency Tool Calculator & Guide - £24.99
Care 4 Quality have developed a dependency calculator which helps you to evidence and focus on the first element of safe staffing: having sufficient numbers of suitably qualified, competent, skilled and experienced persons deployed in order to meet the requirements of the home. It will provide you with a staffing calculation to enable you to staff your service safely.
They have also developed a supporting information document to help you complete and update the dependency tool.
Before you commence using the tool, you need to:
- decide whether the assessment will be divided into different care areas, care units or floors
- agree if you want to or need to implement any 1:1 care hours into the tool
- review any additional support needs that people have
- identify how the shift patterns operate
- identify the skill and competency of each staff member
- decide how often the dependency tool is going to be reviewed
- decide who completes it and how do they know what the individual’s care needs are.
Getting Started
The service will need to implement an effective system to determine how many staff are required. The most common way to evidence this process is through the use of a dependency tool.
There is no single ratio or formula that can calculate the answers to the staffing ratios required over the range and scope of care homes. The right answer will differ across and within organisations, and reaching it requires the use of evidence, evidence-based tools, the exercise of professional judgement and a truly multi-professional approach. Above all, it requires openness and transparency within organisations and with the people you support and the public.[i]
[i] How to ensure the right people, with the right skills, are in the right place at the right time, NHS England Nov 2013.
To download the guide for just £24.99 - follow this link.
Further Reading and Guidance
Should you require any further guidance, please contact Care 4 Quality: