Free webinar – vaccinations and testing in the care sector

Citation is running a free webinar on 8 April, from 1:45 to 3:00 PM, specifically for care providers on the HR and Employment Law considerations surrounding vaccinations and testing.

With the Heath Secretary and Prime Minister reportedly in favour of a proposal to introduce compulsory vaccinations in social and health care settings, unsurprisingly Citation’s advice line has received hundreds of calls with questions about what this means for employers.

To help care providers prepare for the tricky HR and Health & Safety issues that may arise, they will be answering some of the most frequently asked questions, including:

·         What are my responsibilities/obligations as an employer?

·         Can I make COVID testing mandatory?

·         What happens if an employee refuses the vaccine?

·         Does this affect the proposed regulations on movement of staff between care settings?

·         Do I need a vaccination and/or testing policy?

They’ll also be answering your business-specific questions, so if you can spare an hour, we’re sure you’ll get a lot out of the session:

Date: Thursday 8 April

Meet and greet: 1:45 to 2:00 PM

Webinar time: 2:00 to 3:00 PM

How to join: Just click the button below to register and you’ll receive an email invite with a link and instructions on how to join the webinar.


Citation’s expertise is recognised up and down the country. They’re partnered with Care England, Scottish Care, Care Forum Wales, UKHCA, NASHICS and over 35 other regional care associations.