Has your project been shut down? - Site Suspension Assessment Audit & Recommendation Service

Given the current unprecedented situation the country finds itself in and the uncertainty of the construction industry moving forward in the short to medium term, we are finding that a number of construction projects are shutting down.  It’s never an easy decision to ‘Suspend’ the works on a project and there are several contractual arrangements and best practice procedures that are required to be undertaken to correctly close a site down.  Failure to act and make sure a site has been shut down via the right process is a significant risk to both the Developer and its Funders.  ECY has the Surveyor resources to assist either a Developer or Funder throughout United Kingdom to ensure your site and major investment has been managed, de-risked and closed in the right way – protecting and future proofing.

  • Has the scheme been suspended correctly?
  • Do you have all the right paperwork in place?
  • Are you aware of your obligations?
  • Is your site at risk?
It might be prudent to speak to us here at ECY, the qualified experts to see how we can minimise your risk exposure if your project has to be suspended during these unprecedented times.  Our team of surveyors are available to attend the site, review and provide the right advice to help and protect your position.

Call Ashley Cooper for an initial discussion on:

07717 887 332 or email a.cooper@ecycs.co.uk