Recruitment platform Florence helps providers save on agency costs

The hazards of recruiting agency nurses and carers are well-documented with care providers taking a hit on high agency margins and a lack of continuity of care.

Launched in April 2017, online platform Florence seeks to remove the risk and cost of using agency nurses from providers.

The premise of the business is simple, much like a dating service, Florence matches care homes with a pool of suitably qualified nurses in their area.

“We have about 20,000 registered nurses across England, Scotland and Wales serving about 400 homes,” Charles said.

Florence plans to roll-out an equivalent services for carers over the next six months.

Following each shift, the nurses and homes rate each other on a range of parameters, including handover, leadership, quality of documentation, punctuality, safety, effectiveness and care.

“Rather than go to an agency, providers can build up a bank within the platform,” Charles explained.

“They can ‘favourite’ a nurse after they do a shift so when you post a shift the next time it goes off to your favourite nurses so that residents can have some continuity of care.”

As well as countering many of the risk associated with accessing temporary risks, with a commission of typically 10%, Florence helps providers make big savings on agency commissions typically of 50-100%.

Steve Winter, Operations Director, The Chiswick Nursing Centre. said: “Using Florence for filling our temporary nursing shifts has revolutionised how we work and reduced our costs significantly.”

By Charles Armitage, CEO of Florence – a marketplace that connects vacant care home shifts with nurses and carers

To find out more or to contact Florence, click here.