Mark Hickman, director at Chandler & Co. Independent Care Home and wider health & social care sector mortgage brokers, talks about care home transformation and the need for funding for a sustainable care home sector.

Long-term sickness absence is at a record high, which is a real headache for employers. It’s the top absence-related issue our clients are calling our 24/7 advice line about, and it’s something that can leave a business facing lost productivity, escalating costs, and even potential tribunal claims.
With the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) charging £166 per hour for any interventions they have to make when inspecting your care business, can you afford to slip up when it comes to Health & Safety?
In 2022, CQC set out its new regulatory approach for health and care providers. Its aim remains to drive improvements across the sector but address the issues they have faced over the years
Ownacarehome Q&A with Debbie Harris Founder of Autumna as a follow up to UK Care Week looking at care home providers increasing enquiries for their care services from the self-funding community.
As the summer season arrives with its warm embrace, it's important to ensure your employees well-being and stay informed about the potential risks associated with excessive heat.