Recruitment platform Florence has expanded

Recruitment platform Florence has expanded

Florence, the recruitment marketplace where care and nursing homes can find qualified staff to fill temporary shifts, has announced that it has expanded – adding carers to the pool of qualified healthcare professionals working through its innovative platform.

By cutting out the costly fees associated with traditional recruitment agencies, Florence has been successful in helping care home providers to recruit nurses since its 2017 launch. With a focus on quality and continuity of care the platform now also features a pool of carers, available to work shifts in London as part of a pilot scheme in the area. There are plans to expand countrywide with its carers service within the next 12-months.



On behalf of the directors of Highcliffe House Limited, DC Care are delighted to announce the recent successful sale of the former Highcliffe House, aptly re-named Sunrise Nursing Home, a long established, attractive and well-maintained nursing home featuring modern facilities, located in the popular Suffolk coastal town of Felixstowe, registered for 30 residents.
Care Market Analysis Update – What is Trending? by Jonathon Read Chandler & Co.

Care Market Analysis Update – What is Trending? by Jonathon Read Chandler & Co.

Chandler & Co have had a good start to 2019, with a total of £202m loan proposals agreed and requested, 96 active deals & 15 different lenders!

The care market – despite the recent political climate – is continuing to thrive and grow, mainly due to the growing elderly care population and lack of NHS funding towards this sector building the private market.

Care Home contract guidance

Care Home contract guidance

At Care4Quality we are always interested in news articles that reinforce best practice processes for Care Homes and Providers. We particularly found this article by Which Magazine a concise view on what should be contained in a Care Home Contract and what you should do if you encounter any problems. They even provide a checklist of questions to ask when visiting a Care Home.
New Senior Appointment at Edward Cooper Young

New Senior Appointment at Edward Cooper Young

James Baker is the latest senior management appointment to join Edward Cooper Young.  The Loughborough based Chartered Surveying practice has recruited several high profile appointments as well as internal promotions since the start of 2019. 
Save the date! Care Home Seminar 27th September

Save the date! Care Home Seminar 27th September

Adams & Remers Solicitors will be holding their third annual Care Home Seminar at the Amex Stadium on Friday 27th September 2019.

Please save the date in your diary!  More information will follow soon on the speakers.